Princess Jasmine, the spirited and independent princess of Agrabah, dreams of a world beyond the palace walls. With her loyal companion, Rajah, and the enchanting Aladdin, she embarks on adventures that take her from bustling markets to magical carpet rides under starlit skies. Jasmine's story is one of bravery, love, and the magic of believing in yourself.
Every kid with Jasmine's adventurous spirit and independent nature would love to get into a Jasmine dress up.
Introducing our Magic Carpet Princess Dress for Kids
Make a kid's fairy tale dreams come true with our Magic Carpet Princess Dress. This enchanting dress features:
Ideal for Disneybounding adventures, letting the child enjoy the Magic Carpet Ride!
Let the kid step into a whole new world with this magical dress!
Encourages imaginative play, making every day a fairy tale adventure.
Fits ages 1 to 14, ensuring every young princess can find her perfect fit.
To keep your dress looking its magical best:
Let the kid channel Jasmine's adventurous spirit and independent nature through our Magic Carpet Princess Dress!
We LOVE this dress so much. It’s so glamorous and flowy! The best part is that it’s super comfortable and not “itchy”. Love the details
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Beautiful quality and lightweight (perfect for FL weather). True to size- this was a gift.
Beautiful dress and perfect for the FL weather.